Friday, March 12, 2010

Monte Vista Crane Festival of 2010

Participants in the MV Crane Festival will have a treat for weather this year - sunny & blue sky, with lots and lots of bird life. Driving back and forth between Monte Vista & Alamosa, I can understand why the San Luis Valley is called a "flyway" - with all of the flocks of cranes and Canada geese passing through, from a distance the clusters look like airplanes coming in to land.

The resident great blue heron was sitting in its usual place yesterday evening, in the water near the 3E bridge that spans the Empire Canal.

Home Lake still has a seemingly thick layer of ice with snow on the surface.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marianna,
    This is an event I would like to check out. Have enjoyed reading your blog and look forward to more posts. Sharron Calvin
