The shrubs in the photo foreground are Apache Plume (Fallugia paradoxa), a wonderful drought-tolerant plant that does great here in the San Luis Valley. I plopped them in the ground probably my first summer here ('05), watered them somewhat consistently the first year, and now I very seldom do anything to or with them. Yet they grow well, and put on beautiful flowers which turn into plume-like seed heads that are sort of pinkish in color. I highly recommend this shrub for xeriscape areas. I bought one more this past summer that's only about 6" high, so it has a lot of growing to do to catch up with the others.
I was over at the nearby Empire Canal last night, and saw a great blue heron standing on the ice, poised over a hole in the ice--I guess it was waiting to spear something for its dinner. I always marvel when I see herons this time of year in the midst of the frozen, white landscape.
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